Offering full service premium pest control services for your home or business. Experience the best pest removal in Southwest Florida.
Our highly effective techniques ensure that your home is kept free from termites, ants, spiders, millipedes, silverfish, roaches, fleas, ticks, and more. Our residential pest control maintenance programs and business pest control programs include total-home care, lawn, shrub, and landscape pest control. At Personalized Pest Control, consistency and professionalism is key. Our highly-trained exterminators are committed to providing accurate, consistent, high-quality pest control to maintain a pest-free environment.
At Personalized Pest Control, our staff provides solutions to your pest issues and takes pride in resolving these issues in a professional and timely manner.
Have spiders taken over your pool cage? We can help.
SW Florida has the perfect climate for fleas & ticks to thrive.
A full suite of comprehensive pest control and removal services from the professionals.
We guarantee that termites will never be unwanted guests in your home.
Humane control methods that deter birds from claiming your home.
Comprehensive mosquito control and removal services to ensure your safety and comfort.
Is your lawn being taken over by bugs? We can help! All services are guaranteed.
Bees and wasps swarm all year long, meaning a hive can pop up on your property at any time.
Prevention is the best line of defense against the establishment of ant populations.
For over 30 years, Fred and Lisa Bachota have slowly grown their small pest control operation into a family business that is multigenerational.
Since opening our doors in ’91, we have been dedicated to solving the pest control needs of SW Florida’s full-time & seasonal residents.
Personalized Pest Control’s business philosophy honors family, community, education, and customer satisfaction.
For 25 years, Fred and Lisa Bachota have slowly grown their small pest control operation into a family business that is multigenerational.
Since opening our doors in ’91, we have been dedicated to solving the pest control needs of SW Florida’s full-time & seasonal residents.
Personalized Pest Control’s business philosophy honors family, community, education, and customer satisfaction.